NEW DELHI: Four army personnel were killed in a shooting incident early Wednesday at a military station in the Indian border state of Punjab, officials said, adding that a search for the perpetrators was underway.
An unknown number of shooters were at large at the Bathinda military post and had ammunition on them, according to a defense source who declined to be identified due to the sensitivity of the situation.
According to S.P.S. Parmar, a top police official in Punjab, the incident was "not a terror attack" and occurred at a canteen.
"Station quick-response teams have been activated." "The area was cordoned off and sealed," claimed the army in a statement. "Search operations are underway. More information is being gathered."
The event occurred around 4:35 a.m. (2305 GMT Tuesday), according to the statement.
The military station, located around 280 kilometers (175 miles) northwest of New Delhi, houses largely soldier families and serves as a residential army installation.